Hellō for Users
Login how you want without being tracked. Verify your identity once and conveniently prove who you are when and where you want.
See how it works at: GreenfieldDemo.com
Control your identity at: wallet.hello.coop
Learn about how Hellō:

Hellō for Developers
A single OpenID Connect integration provides login with all social providers and user registration with verified email and phone.
Get started with Hellō: hello.dev
Updates & News: blog.hello.dev
Hellō Login for Wordpress: wordpress.org/plugins
Explore Hellō: playground.hello.dev
Manage your applications: console.hello.coop

Hellō for Corporate Members
Join other industry leaders in guiding the transformation of personal digital identity and creating new business opportunities.
Learn about:

Co-operatively Building the
Internet Identity Layer
"My Identity 2.0 talk introduced the vision for user-centric identity in 2006. As an industry, we have had many false starts trying to realize that vision. Now, with user's familiarity with the convenience of social login, but reluctance to use Big Tech, the time is right for the industry to come together and provide a user-centric solution that is simple for developers and convenient for users."
Dick Hardt, Founder/CEO

User FAQs
What is Hellō?
Hellō is a service for registering and logging into applications that support Hellō. You get the convenience and security of social login providers, without being tracked.
How does Hellō prevent me from being tracked?
Hellō sits between the application and your chosen login provider such as Google. The application does not know which login provider you have selected, and your login provider does not know which applications you are using.
Is Hellō tracking me then?
Yes, we track where you go to inform you of who and where you have shared your information. We do NOT provide your activity to other parties. Our business model is NOT to sell your activity, or to profile you, but to verify statements (claims) about you, and charge developers when you release these verified claims to them. Hellō is free to users.
What is a login provider?
Any service or software that provides a unique identifier that you can control. Hellō currently supports popular social login providers (Apple, Facebook, Google, LINE, Microsoft, Twitch, and Yahoo), the MetaMask browser extension, as well as sending one time codes to email or phone. You will select one login provider as your preferred provider, and that is how you will login to Hellō.
What if I lose access to my preferred login provider?
You will need to log in with at least two recovery providers to recover your Hellō Wallet and then select a new preferred provider. We encourage all users to configure at least two recovery providers. In the future you will be able to configure social recovery so that would let two or more people of your choosing to unlock your wallet.
Why should I trust Hellō?
User data and privacy are sacred to Hellō, a mission oriented, multi-stakeholder co-operative where users, corporations, and employees are members. Hellō is governed by directors elected by its members rather than shareholders wanting to maximize profits. See our guiding Tenets and how we protect your privacy by complying with the Laws of Identity for details.
What is the governance of Hellō?
User members elect three directors (1 @ 100M users, 2 @ 500M users, 3 @ 1B users), corporate members elect three directors, and employees elect one director, providing a board of directors with seven members when Hellō has been broadly adopted. See Hello Identity Co-op for details.
What if I don't want Hellō to have my data anymore?
You can delete all or part of your Hellō wallet at anytime at wallet.hello.coop and selecting Edit in the top right.

Corporate Member FAQs
Why a cooperative?
We think it's crucial that governance be done in the interest of all stakeholders. Cooperatives are a membership organization that represent their members. See Hello Identity Co-op for details.
Why not a 501c3 non-profit?
A 501c3 non-profit lacks ownership and control by the stakeholders.
Are Hellō or Hello Identity Co-op a standards organizations?
No, neither is a standards organization. If we require functionality that is not standardized, we will participate in standards organizations such as the OpenID Foundation (OIDF) or the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
Who can be a member of Hello Identity Co-op?
Hellō is a multi-stakeholder cooperative where users, corporations, and employees are members. Any human that signs up and uses Hellō is a user member. Any corporation with an interest in transforming personal identity can join as a corporate member. All Hellō employees are members.
What is the governance of the Hello Identity Co-op?
User members elect three directors (1 @ 100M users, 2 @ 500M users, 3 @ 1B users), corporate members elect three directors, and employees elect one director, providing a board of directors with seven members when Hellō has been broadly adopted.
Which corporations have joined the Hello Identity Co-op?
Three industry leaders joined as founding corporate members. We are not ready to publicly announce who they are.
What types of organizations do you expect to join?
Developer platforms, claims issuers, large users of Hellō, and other organizations that share the mission.